Thursday, October 8, 2009

Michelle Obama's slavery roots...

Tell Mee Why it is not a surprise that Michelle Obamas roots trace back to slavery?

All so called "black folks" in North America have roots that trace back to slavery.

Tell Mee Why this is news and is being reported as some new information?

It is great that one so called black can actually have the names of their former slave family. Thats great...

Tell Mee Why I want the "historians" to keep tracing and not stop at the slavery?

This is a photo from CNN of the inside of a home where 'slaves used to work; more specifically Michelle Obama's great great grandfather.

This is a photo of the outside of the slave quarters where Michelle Obamas great great grandfather lived and/or worked.

This is a photo of the Obamas visiting Ghana and a slave ship port.

1 comment:

  1. Hi sis, so somehow I ended up following you twice. I don't know what this blogspot thingy is doing but I'm learning.
